I haven't blogged in almost a month...wow, time sure flies by! Quite a bit has transpired since my last blog......
As you know, I was/am having severe pain in my lower back and my latest lab results had shown my cancer levels were once again rising. I had a CT scan and it showed that the cancer is progressing and looks as if it is in my bones as well. My doctor then decided that it was time to change my chemo regiment. This past Friday I had the first round of my new IV chemotherapy. I tolerated it well and don't seem to have any side effects from it except for one....nausea. The past 3 weeks I've been nauseated and haven't been able to keep anything down, which in turn has my body weak as well. I've been on nausea medicine around the clock and sometimes that doesn't even work. My mom flew in and is staying with us and has been a BIG help to both Simon and I. There's nothing like having your mom with you when you don't feel good (you always want your mom no matter how old you are!)
Through my trials, I'm always reminded that God is still good even in the midst of the storms of life!!
Thank you for your continued prayers. Specifically you can pray that my nausea will go & stay away and that I will get my strength back & that God will do a miraculous healing in my body!