Friday, October 29, 2010

Buenos dias!  It's Friday already!!  I just met with my doctor and he went over my blood work.   He was pleased with the results (my liver function tests came back in the normal range).  A few of my labs were not normal (I have low iron, etc....but that seems to be pretty normal in my case).  He said that they will do a scan of my abdomen the middle of next week so they can see the progress on my liver.

Since we have internet, I've been able to work (which keeps me from being too bored, thank you agents).  I've also had the chance to Skype with my mom (she calls several times throughout the day (love you mom), and Lanissa--keep up the good work, oh wonderful sister of mine!!  One thing I do know, I need to learn Spanish--it will be time for me to whip out my Rosetta Stone when I get home so I know how to better communicate with the Spanish speaking world.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers!


  1. Prise the Lord Sonya! We will continue to keep uplifting you in prayer!!! I like how you got Lanissa's name in there...she mentioned that she wanted the world to see her name...poor Angela...Love you Sony!!!

  2. God is good! Are they saying your response to the treatment is better than most or typical?

  3. Hey, my friend, that is great news!! So glad to hear things are going well. Still praying much!

  4. I'm so glad you have internet. I'll check your blog often, so I can pray more specifically!
