Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today I began my treatments.  This morning I had an Ozone/UV treatment.  They drew my blood, infused it with Ozone and then gave my blood back to me.  It wasn't painful.  My nurse was Tomas and he sang and played worship music the entire time.  

Then this afternoon, they gave me a drug called Peftec (which increases the amount of oxygen in my blood), then I got vitamin C infusions and a B-17 infusion while breathing oxygen.  Apparently, Vitamin C given at the right dosages via IV has an effect on cancer tumors and is nearly equivalent to some of the best chemotherapy.  However, with no side effects.  

Overall, I'm feeling really well.....


  1. Sounds like you are in a wonderful place..Imagine a nurse playing and singing praise music while treating you in a stateside hospital...don't think that would happen. Praying for you and glad taht you are feeling good.

  2. Ha ha! I could just see me singing and playing to my patients in ICU! Good for you. Wonderful to hear. Maybe I need to look into working at a place like that. We are praying for you daily. Jesus is the mighty healer. I can testify to that.

  3. Sonya,
    It sounds as if you are in a very nurturing place. I think about you everyday with positive thoughts and surround you with healing energy.
