Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgivng holiday!  We stayed in town and went over to our friends house and had an amazing dinner & great fellowship.  I have so much to be thankful for this year--a great family, wonderful friends, an amazing God and the list could go on and on....

I convinced Simon to take me out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants here on the Peninsula.  Since I knew they would be closed on Thanksgiving day,  I "cheated" with my diet the evening prior so I could go and get yummy chowder on the wharf.  Over the years, we have gotten to know the family who owns the restaurant.  Every time we eat there, we get the same thing so as soon as we walk into the restaurant, they start preparing our order! :)  As we were chatting with Lucie (one of the owners), we got to talking and she began to tell us that her brother had been diagnosed with liver cancer and it had spread to his lungs as well.  When she finished telling us this, I told her that I have been battling cancer for the past 3 years as well and had gone through chemo (which her brother was currently undergoing).  We told her we would be praying for him and their family--then when she brought us our food Simon asked if we could pray with her right there for her brother.  We did and when we were finished, she had tears in her eyes.  A few minutes later, she came back and said she had just talked to her brother on the phone and told him that we were there, that we had prayed with her for him, and he had said "I thought they were Christians".  What a blessing it was to be a blessing to someone else!!  We were able to relate with him, pray for him, and hopefully be a blessing to their family all because of my journey....and for that I am thankful!!  

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity! How wonderful to see God using you through your trial.
