Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today was Saturday....a day without treatment which meant I was able to leave the hospital.  A group of us were able to go to the mall and do a little bit of shopping (I couldn't find anything to buy) but it was nice to be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine and get a little bit of exercise too.  Neither Simon or I have exercised the entire time we have been here and although we are eating a vegan diet Simon has managed to gain about 8 pounds (either that or the scales are off)!!

One of the patients who we met finished his 1st two weeks of treatment this morning.  He has stomach cancer (a couple of inoperable tumors).  He did a CT scan right before he left this morning and one of his tumors is completely gone and the other one is now barely visible.  What an encouragement it was to hear this news!   God is good!

Until tomorrow......

1 comment:

  1. Sonya,
    I just found out about the recurrance of your cancer. With all my heart, I want you to know that my family is praying for you and for Simon. I know this journey is hard, but I also know that miracles abound when prayer is involved. I'm so happy to be able to follow your blog and know better how to pray specifically for you, my friend.
    Jamie Butler
